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City of Kaukauna

Joint Review Board Meeting Minutes – September 11, 2019

Posted on Oct 8, 2019 by

Joint Review Board

A meeting of the Joint Review Board was called to order at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 11, 2019, by Chairman Van Rossum.

Members Present:

Will Van Rossum, City of Kaukauna – Finance Director

Amy Van Straten, Fox Valley Technical College

Bob Schafer, Kaukauna Area School District

Brian Massey, Outagamie County

John Moore – At Large Member

Also Present:

Bob Jakel, City of Kaukauna – Planning Director

Allyson Watson-Brunette – Principal Planner

Mayor Tony Penterman

  • TID #4 Reclassification Notice from WDOR. Ms. Brunette explained staff discovered that TID #4 was classified as Industrial by the Department of Revenue. The TID originally included the Thilmany mill which may have caused the confusion and the intention of the TID was never clearly stated. Ms. Brunette explained that as an Industrial TID, the district is subject to a shorter life span and suggested a blight district classification with an extension of the term until 2027 to pay down debt. Ms. Brunette explained that future plans to offer cash incentives for the redevelopment of the Carnegie library and to move it on to the tax roll as a private development could also be accommodated by the reclassification. Mr. Moore asked about other buildings potentially being redeveloped. Ms. Brunette explained that the Cop’s building might be an option however, it is privately owned and the City cannot control the redevelopment. Mr. Jakel explained that it is in the City’s best interest to develop the area as the current use of the Cop’s Building is not appropriate for the current zoning. A motion to receive the reclassification letter and place it on file was made by Moore, seconded by Schafer. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
  • Resolutions Extending the Life of TID #4 and TID #5. Ms. Brunette explained that extending the life of the TID’s would assist in paying down the debt. Mr. Moore asked if taxes would remain the same. Ms. Brunette explained that increment would remain under City control until 2031. Chairman Van Rossum explained that taxes above and beyond stay within the TID. Mr. Moore asked if the revaluation would affect those numbers. Chairman Van Rossum explained that no change would occur until 2031. Ms. Brunette explained that the extension would give staff more time to incentivize the two blight districts as a tool to spur development. Mr. Jakel explained that extending TID life doesn’t necessarily increase expenditures. Mr. Moore asked if TID #6 could possibly close early. Chairman Van Rossum explained that it was a possibility. Ms. Brunette explained that a public hearing on the plan amendment to TID #6 was scheduled before the Plan Commission on Thursday, October 3rd at 4:00 p.m. A motion to table Items 2 and 3 until the Outagamie County Finance Committee meets to review them was made by Massey, seconded by Van Straten. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
  • Amendment to TID #6 Project Plan. Ms. Brunette explained that the amendment would designate TID #6 as a donor to TID #4 and TID #5. TID #6 is currently a donor to the ErTIF and retail development would need to be limited within the receiving TID’s. Mr. Massey asked about TID #6’s scheduled closing date without it’s donor status and what the debt burden of TID’s #4 and #5 would be without the donor TID. Mr. Moore asked if staff was confident that projected revenues would be met. Chairman Van Rossum explained that the projections are assumptions and development is not guaranteed. Ms. Brunette explained that staff preferred a pay-as-you-go TID, however the State of Wisconsin does not, putting municipalities at a disadvantage. Chairman Van Rossum explained that there are some vacant parcels in the district and that the value of potentially known projects was estimated. Mr. Jakel explained that the ErTIF is 95% developed with good increment, Commerce Crossing is an unknown – the clinic will help, however there is still significant vacancy. Ms. Brunette explained that the Common Council is supporting a municipal branding campaign to update the City’s identify and give us an economic development edge.

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 a.m. was made by Moore, seconded by Schafer. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

Julianne Schroeder