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City of Kaukauna

Industrial Park Commission Meeting Minutes – November 29, 2018

Posted on Nov 29, 2018 by

A meeting of the Industrial Park Commission was called to order at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, November 29, 2018, by Chairman Feldt.

Members Present: Acord, Feldt, Grissman, Jerome, Knaus, Knutson, Schilling, Schmidt.

Also Present: Planning Director Jakel, Mayor Penterman, Director of Public Works Sundelius, Principal Planner Watson, Applicants, Media.

Absent and Excused: Nytes.

  • Minutes. A motion to approve the minutes of the August 22, 2018, meeting was made by Schilling, seconded by Acord. All members voted aye. Motion carried. A motion on the May 23, 2018, meeting will be made following the Executive Session.
  • North Pole Christmas Display at Prospect and Badger in Industrial Park No. 1. Mr. Jakel explained that the display is currently located in a residential neighborhood. As the event has increased in popularity, adjoining neighbors expressed their concern regarding the display’s effect on property values, access to the area – by both residents and emergency services and safety due to the lack of sidewalks. Mr. Jakel explained that the City would like to see the event continue while also respecting the concerns of the neighbors. The display is currently stored at Concrete Cutters in the off-season and they have offered to host the event at their adjoining vacant lot at the intersection of Prospect Lane and Badger Road. Mr. Jakel explained that a number of issues would need to be considered including the zoning setbacks, parking controls in the area which sees significant truck traffic, and directional signage. Input from the Police, Fire, and Public Works departments will also be sought. Troy Campbell explained that he has been hosting the display for ten years and that it is all designed to accommodate persons with disabilities. He understands the need to move the event and intends to make public safety a priority. He currently has security personnel to monitor parking and trash issues and over the years, the event has generated nine-tons of food and $9,000 for the food pantry. Mr. Campbell explained that he receives calls and messages from visitors looking for information on food, lodging and entertainment in the area to visit. There is no admission charge to visit the display. Mr. Schmidt explained that he has significant concerns regarding safety and the round-the-clock truck traffic in the area. While he applauds the applicant’s efforts, he questioned the reasoning to locate in an industrial area and suggested looking into a City park instead. Mayor Penterman explained that he has been working with the applicant on several options including Hydro Park and Central Park but the lack of security for the displays was an issue. Mr. Campbell explained that the displays are difficult to transport and require significant electrical infrastructure. The Concrete Cutters site offers accessibility, visibility, electrical service and security cameras. The display is currently open daily from November 23rd to December 31st, weather permitting. Ms. Zuleger of Concrete Cutters explained that their location offers wider streets and suggested permitting parking on only one side of the street. Mr. Schilling asked if this location would be a long-term option. Ms. Zuleger explained that they have no intention of selling or developing the lot. Mr. Campbell explained that they are proposing a heated trailer and port-a-potties for the site. Mr. Knaus asked if the applicant was funding the event on his own. Mr. Campbell explained that he was with the assistance of donations. Chairman Feldt asked if staff had any issues with the relocation. Mr. Jakel explained that public safety and parking are the top concerns along with the operations of the industrial park and emergency access to the area. Mr. Jakel explained that the concerns could be addressed with proper regulation. Mr. Jakel explained that staff would conduct an analysis of this year’s event relative to concerns that would need mitigation. Mr. Knaus asked if adjoining businesses might consider allowing after-hours parking in their lots. Mr. Jakel explained that there is not much in the immediate area and staff would prefer to keep visitors on one side of the street. Mayor Penterman explained that he has received a number of calls looking for the City to accommodate the display in one way or another. Mr. Schilling asked if Concrete Cutters and the City Attorney had reviewed the proposal for liabilities. Ms. Zuleger explained that she has looked into it and Mr. Jakel explained that he would forward the proposal on to City Attorney Davidson for an opinion. Ms. Watson explained that the City has a special event application process and that she would be happy to meet with Mr. Campbell and Ms. Zuleger on ways to mitigate concerns. Mr. Schmidt explained that he was opposed to the relocation and suggested polling neighboring industrial tenants. Chairman Feldt explained that the general consensus of the Commission was to consider the relocation following staff’s analysis of the current event, a review of the specific layout of the event, and the results of the neighboring business survey. Mr. Knutson asked if the applicants could procced without Commission approval. Mr. Jakel explained that the parking issue and the covenants would prevent proceeding without approval.
  • Request to Place Fountains at Kelso Pond in Industrial Park North. Ms. Watson explained that she had been contacted by Jason Doeren of the Talisman property in Industrial Park North about replacing the fountains in Kelso Pond. Mr. Sundelius explained that the fountains were removed based on a WDNR recommendation and that the WDNR is primarily concerned with storm water quality now and the fountain pumps can only draw from the surface which will require specialized equipment. Mr. Jakel explained that ongoing maintenance and operations were covered through the now-closed TIF district. New fountains and operations are not a budgeted expense and would need to come out of the Industrial Park account. Banners and trees could also be considered from that account. Mr. Feldt asked if the $13,700 cost would be for one fountain. Mr. Jakel explained that it would and the plan would be to go from three fountains to one. The electrical service and timers are still in place and the hours of operation could be reduced as a way to lower the cost. The ultimate decision would be up to the WDNR. Mr. Sundelius explained that costs may be split between the Industrial Park fund and the storm water management fund. Mr. Knaus asked if City staff would handle fountain maintenance. Mr. Sundelius explained that staff could handle portions of the maintenance but some would need to be contracted out – all based on the approval of the WDNR. A motion to deny the request to place fountains in Industrial Park ponds based on the WDNR recommendations on fountains and the non-budgeted cost of equipment, operations and maintenance was made by Schilling, seconded by Knaus. All members voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Feldt explained that replacing banners and associated equipment would be at the discretion of staff.
  • Executive Session – Kaukauna Cold Storage. A motion to adjourn to Executive Session at 9:20 a.m. pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute 19.85(1)(e) was made by Schilling, seconded by Knutson. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
  • Open Session – Kaukauna Cold Storage. A motion to return to Open Session at 9:32 a.m. was made by Schilling, seconded by Knaus. All members voted aye. A motion to approve the minutes of the May 23, 2018, meeting as amended was made by Schilling, seconded by Acord. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

There being no further business to be brought before the Commission, a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 a.m. was made by Schmidt, seconded by Jerome. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

Julianne Schroeder